Dear Friend, A mezuzah is a parchment scroll, on which the Shema is handwritten by an expert scribe. The mezuzah is mounted on the right side of the doorpost and designates the home as Jewish, reminding us of G‑d and our heritage. It is also a symbol of G‑d's watchful care over the home. The placing of a mezuzah on the doors of a home or office protects the inhabitants — whether they are inside or outside. Click here for FREE Mezuzah
Every Jewish home & Business should have a Mezuzah on its doorposts. The Mezuzah contains the Shema and is a sign that the home is sanctified for G‑d and enjoys His protection.
Do you need a Kosher Mezuzah for your home or office dorm or apartment? Has the Mezuzah on your door been checked by a scribe in the past 7 years? We have a FREE Mezuzah for you. Sponsored by an Anonymous Donor.
To contact us about putting a Mezuzah on your door, click Here.
Chabad of Napa Valley would love for you to participate in this important Mitzvah. Click on the links below, and learn how to affix it to the doorways of your home, if you need assistance in affixing it, contact us, we will be happy to help.
A Mezuzah designates a house (or room) as Jewish, it reminds us of our connection to G–d and our heritage. By placing it on the doorpost we declare that this is a house or room where the word of G–d and his Torah influences our behavior, thus rendering it a holy dwelling.
When does a mezuzah need to be checked, and why?
Mezuzahs should be checked by a Sofer (certified scribe) twice every seven years to see if they have been affected by adverse weather conditions, or by folding (which can cause cracks in the letters), or if any other defect has occurred. It is preferable to check mezuzahs which are on the outside of a building more often, due to their vulnerability to inclement weather.
Both Tefillin and Mezuzot need to be certified as Kosher by an authorized scribe. They also require regular checking. In many instances, when the Rebbe received a request for a blessing (particularly in health matters) he suggested that Tefillin and Mezuzot be checked.