It has truly never been easier to keep Kosher. 
Kosher products are readily available in our local grocery stores. Trader Joe's has a selection of Kosher meat and poultry or you can easy order Kosher meat and chicken straight to your door!  
Some available online options: (10% of your first order) 
If you are interested in participating in the monthly kosher order for WesternKosher email [email protected] 

Do you need a Kosher Mezuzah for your home or office, dorm or apartment?  click Here. we can help you.       What Is a Mezuzah? Click and watch 

Do you need a Kosher pair of Tefillin? Chabad of Napa Valley has a Tefillin bank. click Here.

How much do you know about this incredibly powerful mitzvah?  10 Questions: Take the Tefillin Quiz find out!